Source code for flexdict

Easily work with deeply nested data and write
clean code using FlexDict; a small subclass of
dict. FlexDict provides automatic and arbitrary
levels of nesting along with additional utility

__version__ = '0.0.1.a1'

[docs]class FlexDict(dict): """ Provides automatic and arbitrary levels of nesting along with additional utility methods. Args: data (dict): Data to initialize the FlexDict with. Attributes: locked (bool): Flag indicating if auto-nesting is locked. """ def __init__(self, data=None): super(FlexDict, self).__init__() self.locked = False if data: if isinstance(data, dict): for items in self.__kv(data): self.__setitem__(*items) else: raise ValueError( 'FlexDict can only be initialized with instances of dict!' ) def __hash__(self): return id(self) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, dict): return self.flatten() == FlexDict(other).flatten() return False def __getitem__(self, key): key = self.__sanitize(key) if isinstance(key, list): for _, k in enumerate(key, start=1): self = self[k] return self try: return dict.__getitem__(self, key) except KeyError: if not self.locked: return self.setdefault(key, FlexDict()) raise def __setitem__(self, key, val): key = self.__sanitize(key) if isinstance(key, list): for i, k in enumerate(key[:-1], start=1): if not self.locked or k in self: self = self[k] else: if i == len(key) - 1: raise KeyError(k) self[key[-1]] = val else: dict.__setitem__( self, key, FlexDict(val) if isinstance(val, dict) else val ) @staticmethod def __sanitize(key): if isinstance(key, (list, set, tuple)): return list(key) if isinstance(key, dict): raise TypeError('unhashable type: \'dict\'') return key def __kv(self, data, results=None): if results is None: results = [] for key, value in data.items(): if isinstance(value, dict) and value: for item in self.__kv(value, results + [key]): yield item else: yield results + [key], value def __k(self, data): for key, value in data.items(): if isinstance(value, dict): yield key for nested_key in self.__k(value): yield nested_key else: yield key def __v(self, data): for _, value in data.items(): if isinstance(value, dict) and value: for nested_value in self.__v(value): yield nested_value else: yield value def __lock(self, lock, inplace, data=None): if not data: data = self if inplace else FlexDict(self) data.locked = lock for key, val in data.items(): if isinstance(val, FlexDict): data[key].locked = lock self.__lock(lock, inplace, data[key]) return None if inplace else data def __contains(self, superset, subset, dicts): if superset == subset: return True if dicts: superset = { key: value for sub_dict in dicts for key, value in sub_dict.items() } dicts = [] for sub_key, sub_val in subset.items(): for sup_key, sup_value in superset.items(): if {sup_key: sup_value} == {sub_key: sub_val}: return True if isinstance(sup_value, dict): if sup_value == subset: return True dicts.append(sup_value) if dicts: return self.__contains(superset, subset, dicts) return False
[docs] def get(self, keys, default=None): """ Gets a value from the dictionary with the provided keys. Args: keys: Keys pointing to the target value. default (any): Default value to return if target does not exists. Returns: any: The corresponding dictionary value. """ keys = self.__sanitize(keys) if isinstance(keys, list): for key in keys: if key in self: self = self[key] else: return default return self if keys in self: return self[keys] return default
[docs] def set(self, keys, value, overwrite=True, increment=False): """ Sets a dictionary value with the given keys. Args: keys (any): Key(s) pointing to the value. value (any): Value to set. overwrite (bool): If `False`, only sets a value if it not exists. increment (bool): Increments the value by `value` if set to `True`. `overwrite` argument has no effect on this. Causes the method to return the target value. Returns: Union[int, float, None]: Final state of the target value if `increment` is enabled. """ keys = self.__sanitize(keys) if not increment: if overwrite or keys[-1] in self.get(keys[:-1], default=[]): self[keys] = value return None self[keys] = value if ( not self[keys] ) else self[keys] + value return self[keys]
[docs] def keys(self, nested=False, unique=False): """ Gets keys from the dictionary. Args: nested (bool): Gets all keys recursively if set to `True`. unique (bool): Gets only the unique keys if set to `True`. Returns: Union[dict_keys, list, set]: dict_keys If `nested` is `False` and `unique` is `False`. list If `nested` is `True` and `unique` is `False`. set If `unique` is `True`. """ return dict.keys(self) if not nested else ( list(self.__k(self)) if not unique else set(self.__k(self)) )
[docs] def values(self, nested=False, unique=False): """ Gets values from the dictionary. Args: nested (bool): Gets all values recursively if set to `True`. unique (bool): Gets only the unique values if set to `True`. Returns: Union[dict_values list, set]: dict_values If `nested` is `False` and `unique` is `False`. list: If `nested` is `True` and `unique` is `False`. list: If `unique` is `True`. """ vals = ( list(dict.values(self)) if not nested else list(self.__v(self)) ) return ( vals if not unique else list(set(vals)) if not nested else set(vals) )
[docs] def pop(self): """ Removes and returns the last key-value pair from the dictionary. Returns: Union[FlexDict, None]: FlexDict The last key-value pair of the dictionary. None If `self` is empty. """ if self: key, val = list(self.items())[-1] del self[key] return FlexDict({key: val}) return None
[docs] def length(self, nested=False, unique=False): """ Counts the number of keys inside the dictionary. Args: nested (bool): Counts all keys recursively if set to `True`. unique (bool): Counts only the unique keys if set to `True`. Returns: int: Number of keys. """ return len(self.keys(nested=nested, unique=unique))
[docs] def size(self, unique=False): """ Counts the number of keys and values inside the dictionary. Args: nested (bool): Counts all items recursively if set to `True`. unique (bool): Counts only the unique items if set to `True`. Returns: int: Number of items. """ return len(self.keys(nested=True, unique=unique)) + len( self.values(nested=True, unique=unique) )
[docs] def flatten(self): """ Flattens the dictionary. Returns: list: A list of tuples containing key-paths and values. """ return list(self.__kv(self))
[docs] def lock(self, inplace=True): """ Locks the automatic nesting mechanism. Args: inplace (bool): Creates a locked copy if `True`. Returns: Union[None, FlexDict]: None If `inplace` is set to `True`. FlexDict If `inplace`set to `False`. """ return self.__lock(True, inplace)
[docs] def unlock(self, inplace=True): """ Unlocks the automatic nesting mechanism. Args: inplace (bool): Creates an unlocked copy if `True`. Returns: Union[None, FlexDict]: None If `inplace` is set to `True`. FlexDict If `inplace`set to `False`. """ return self.__lock(False, inplace)
[docs] def contains(self, subset): """ Checks if this dictionary is a superset of a given one. Args: subset (dict): Dictionary to check if it is a subset. Returns: bool: `True` if `self` contains `subset` else `False`. """ return self.__contains(self, subset, [])
[docs] def inside(self, superset): """ Checks if this dictionary is a subset of a given one. Args: superset (dict): Dictionary to check if it is a superset. Returns: bool: `True` if `self` is inside the `superset` else `False`. """ return self.__contains(superset, self, [])